Can I Move a Sdction View Away From Wheree the Arrows Point
| Section Views | |
Use section views to display cross-sections of existing standard, isometric, general, or broken views.
Either select the Section View option on the View toolbar, from the View Types Ribbon Bar Group under the View Fluent Ribbon Bar, or select View from the Create menu and then choosing Section. Selecting this option activates the Section View command bar.
Section View Command Bar
The first step in section line creation is to select the desired section line type from the Section View command bar. Next move the cursor over the existing view to be used as the parent view for the section view. The cursor changes to a cross-hair and, if vertical or horizontal section line was selected, a red line is displayed beside it. Since all section lines have SmartSnap capabilities, you will also notice green highlighting of key points on the existing view (center points, vertices, etc.) to facilitate accurate section line placement
Once the cursor is over the desired point, the next step is to place the section line. Although you can place horizontal, vertical, or two-point section lines, each procedure differs slightly. To place a horizontal or vertical section line, it is necessary to click only one point; in the case of a two-point section line, you must click to set a start point and then click again to set an end point, unless you want to create an offset section line. In that case, you would click to select one point on an edge to offset and then click a point in the desired offset location. In addition, if you turn on the "Show Curve Dimension" from the 2D Editing Toolbar or from the Display Ribbon Bar Group under the Sketch Fluent Ribbon Bar, you can specify an exact angle for the two-point section line. If your cursor is located in an isometric view, the Horizontal and Vertical lines will align to the isometric view angles (not geometry within the view). The resulting isometric section view will return a true section of the geometry.
After the section line has been placed, if desired, you may choose to create a single or multiple staggered section line(s). To create a stagger line, select the Stagger Section Line option on the Section View Command Bar and then click a point on the drawing view to specify the second point for the line to satisfy. Multiple stagger lines can be created by repeating these steps. At any time during or after the original section line is placed, you can specify the desired orientation for the section view. Use the Flip direction option on the command bar as a toggle to switch the orientation of the arrows on the section line. Use the Section Line Snap handles to adjust the placement location for the section line and stagger locations. These Snap handles can reference point within the current view as well as other views to get precise snap locations.
When the desired orientation has been set and stagger lines created, as desired, place the section view in the desired location on the drawing by first selecting the Place the section view tool on the command bar. A red bounding box representing the new section view will be displayed on the drawing. Since this bounding box is constrained to the parent view, directional movement is limited. Drag the bounding box within these restrictions to the desired location on the drawing and then click to place it. The new section view is displayed.
The following illustration demonstrates application of a vertical section line and the resulting section view.
Section line display and position can be edited by right-clicking the line and selecting Properties from the resulting pop-up menu in addition to the Snap Handle placement. The following options are available:
Offset. In this field, enter a value to specify the distance the line should be repositioned from its origin. When you return to the drawing, selecting the Update All Views button on the View toolbar/ribbon bar (or the Update All Views option from the Tools-Views menu) applies the changes to the associated section view. Since section lines are associative, they will retain their reference points regardless of modifications applied to the parent view.
Style. From this field's drop-down list, selected the desired section line style.
Layer. From this field's drop-down list, select the desired layer to which the section line is assigned.
Arrows. Use the following options to define section line arrow display.
Points away from line (ANSI). Select this option to display section line arrows pointing toward the line.
Points toward the line (ISO). Select this option to display section line arrows pointing toward the line.
End offset. In this field, enter a value to specify the distance section line arrows should be offset from the line ends.
Section Line. Use the following options to define section line display.
Omit Line. Select this option to omit the section line between the end arrows.
Thick-Thin Line. Select this option to display the section line thin between the arrows and the thick at the end and stagger locations.
Text at Stagger Vertex. Select this option to display the section label at the stagger locations (useful when the section line is set to omit.
The Width of the Thick Line. Specify the thin-think line scale factor.
To change the section line created, right-click on the section line and select edit. This will enable the section view command to allow you to change the settings and to allow you to adjust the location of the section line.
NOTE: To change the default properties for section line arrows, select the Default Properties button on the Styles and Layers, select Section Lines from the list of elements, and then edit the properties, as desired. Section Line display options (Omit. Thick-Thin, and Text at Stagger Vertex) can be enabled/disabled in the right-click pop-up menu on the section line.
Can I Move a Sdction View Away From Wheree the Arrows Point
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