Jen Widerstrom Diet Right for Your Personality Type

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I was categorized as an Organized Doer, and Widerstrom's description fit me perfectly. She designed a 4-week meal plan based on my personality type, and also gave exercise tips based on each type. The book has an
This was a helpful book that takes a unique approach to diet planning. It first asks you to take a quiz about your habits and preferences, which should put you in one of five dominant personality categories: The Organized Doer, The Swinger, The Rebel, The Everyday Hero, The Never-Ever.I was categorized as an Organized Doer, and Widerstrom's description fit me perfectly. She designed a 4-week meal plan based on my personality type, and also gave exercise tips based on each type. The book has an extensive recipe section, and also weight-training workouts.
I'll be honest and say I didn't read the other four personality categories, so I can't comment on those. But I found my section helpful and inspiring, and would recommend this book to those who want to try a more personalized approach to diet and exercise.
Favorite Quotes
"If you don't understand why you eat well (or not well) -- and how the answers can be different every day -- then you are setting yourself up for failure. This is what happens with almost every diet plan ... Each person needs an individualized program of diet and exercise -- one that honors the individual and his or her personality -- to inspire success."
"No one gets a pass from tension at work, with family, or over finances. We all have stress in our lives. The key to managing it is how you respond to it. Identify your stress reliever in an activity or movement that is meditative for you. Too often I see folks eating as a response to stress, and it's no surprise because stress boosts your levels of the appetite-stimulating hormone cortisol, so you're already vulnerable. My most successful stress managers choose exercise; it dissipates cortisol, plus it has a mood-lifting effect on your entire body. So instead of reaching for the refrigerator door, reach for your tennis shoes and get movin'."
All this being said, I suspect many people looking for a different but healthy diet option could benefit from this plan.

I followed the plan faithfully for the four weeks; I didn't lose a lot of weight, but I built a lot of good habits. I now plan ahead for the week, making sure I have fresh veggies and whole grains and easy proteins. I'll cook a crockpot full of chicken and use it in salads or wraps. I keep healthy things for lunches and snacks at work. I also measure serving sizes now. I hate measuring; it makes me feel like a fanatic. But it has helped. I count out a serving size of nuts into little snack bags so that I won't eat too many healthy, delicious, but full of fat nuts. It helps a lot.
I did have a couple of issues with the plan. Her veggie servings are ridiculous. For example, according to her, two cups of bell pepper is a serving. That is an entire bell pepper. If you're supposed to be having two or three servings of veggies in one meal, you are going to be sick. I now eat the recommended number of servings, but I use the serving size guidance on the package or online. The other thing I didn't like was the rigidity of the when you were supposed to eat what. For example, no carbs were allowed after lunch, and no fats/oils allowed until the afternoon. That doesn't always work for me. I like putting nuts in my morning yogurt. Sometimes I like brown rice for dinner. So now I basically look at the numbers (3 carbs, 7 proteins, 2 oils, 8 veggies, and lots of water), and make sure I don't go over those numbers for the day. It's working for me; it's slow, but I'm losing about half a pound a week. I eat less junk food, more veggies, and protein throughout the day. It's a good plan.
I can't review the entire book because I didn't pay that much attention to the sections that I obviously don't fit in. But if the other plans work for your personality as well as the "rebel" one worked for mine, than this book will probably help you.
What I didn't love was her eating plans said it could work for vegetarians and vegans but all her recipes and plans included a lot of eggs for snacks as well as the normal chicken and fish. As I can't eat eggs and chicken, this makes it difficult for me to try and figure out a good replacement without using processed vegan options.
The plans sound workable for someone really ready to commit
Widerstrom is definitely onto something with the idea that personality affects how you diet and exercise. However, the personality profile quiz didn't correctly identify my personality type. I had a hard time answering several of the questions because none of the answers really expressed my thoughts on the question. So, I read all 5 of the descriptions and diet plans, and conclude that the quiz reversed my primary and secondary traits.The plans sound workable for someone really ready to commit to a drastic change in eating habits.
The recipes provided sound delicious--and I am a very picky eater. I will be trying some of them.

Ms. Widerstrom did a great job with this book. Her approach is something to consider and she presents it and backs it up, in a an approachable way. It was clear and easy to read. Not to mention the break down of the four main diet personalities she introduces truly is customized according to personality. From meals to workouts. It's worth a read if you've tried diet after diet and not sure why it just doesn't work for you.
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The Hook: The possibility of finding a diet that might just work.Ms. Widerstrom did a great job with this book. Her approach is something to consider and she presents it and backs it up, in a an approachable way. It was clear and easy to read. Not to mention the break down of the four main diet personalities she introduces truly is customized according to personality. From meals to workouts. It's worth a read if you've tried diet after diet and not sure why it just doesn't work for you.
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I wish there had been more information about the exercise. I'm a Never Ever, so I'm more inclined to intellectualize and rationalize my actions or lack thereof. The exercise advice i
The quiz is to help you understand your approach to exercies and diet. The questions focus on how you handle project and whatnot. Then, there's a chapter on how that personality type should approach diet and what type of exercise works best (a class with friends, start at home, etc.) and diets to coordinate with it.I wish there had been more information about the exercise. I'm a Never Ever, so I'm more inclined to intellectualize and rationalize my actions or lack thereof. The exercise advice is too vague to be useful.

Everything that Jen discussed in my section (The Organized Doer) described me to a T. I've trained 5-6 days a week, alternating CrossFit and Running w
I don't believe in dieting as much as lifestyle changes so this was an odd book for me to pick up but after hearing Jen discuss it on Julie Foucher's podcast, I was intrigued. The beginning was rough for me to get through and would be more valuable for someone who is just starting out on a healthy lifestyle but the personality section was spot on!Everything that Jen discussed in my section (The Organized Doer) described me to a T. I've trained 5-6 days a week, alternating CrossFit and Running while maintaining a clean and (mostly) paleo 'diet' for almost 2 years but haven't seen too much to show for it. Everything from the fear of gaining the weight back, being my hardest critic, under-eating, and keeping to the same foods on rotation to the exercises that keep me interested couldn't be more accurate. While it wasn't anything new or groundbreaking, I think this book would be very beneficial for everyone to read just to understand yourself a little better.
I liked that she laid an individual plan out based on their personality.
A lot of what she said resonated with me.
Exercise; class settings and Independent training systems.
short intensive circuit training. Need to activate mind to keep busy and leave daily worries left a door. I well organized book. Found out I'm an organized surprise there.
I liked that she laid an individual plan out based on their personality.
A lot of what she said resonated with me.
short intensive circuit training. Need to activate mind to keep busy and leave daily worries left a door. ...more

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Jen Widerstrom Diet Right for Your Personality Type
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